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Fees & Costs

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County Court Issue Fees

Claim Amount Court Fee Fixed Solicitors Costs Total Added to the Balance
Up to £300 £35 £50 £85
£300.01 to £500 £50 £50 £100
£500.01 to £1,000 £70 £70 £140
£1,000.01 to £1,500 £80 £80 £160
£1,500.01 to £3,000 £115 £80 £195
£3,000.01 to £5,000 £205 £80 £285
£5,000.01 to £10,000 £455 £100 £555
£10,000.01 to £200,000 5% of the value of the claim **
£ dependant on allocation to track
£ balance dependant
More than £200,000.01 £10,000    
* Please note that the Court Fee payable is determined by the account balance or the debt due – for example a balance of £25,000 applying 5% rule, the Court fee due is £1,250 and the total added to the balance including the Fixed Cost would be £1,350.

** If the Court allocate to the Fast Track (normally for balances that exceed £10,000) the fixed costs table at Part 45 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 apply.
If the matter is allocated to the Muti-track (normally balances that exceed £25,000) then our hourly rates will apply shown below).

Fixed Costs on Entry of Judgment

  Where the amount of the judgment exceeds £25 but does not exceed £5,000 Where the amount of the judgment exceeds £5,000
Judgment in default of an acknowledgment of service £22.00 £30.00
Judgment in default of a defence £25.00 £35.00
Judgment is entered on admission of whole or part of a claim for a specified sum £40.00 £55.00
Judgment is entered on admission of whole or part of a claim for a specified sum and court decides the date or time of payment £55.00 £70.00
Judgment on summary judgment or where the court strikes out a defence £175.00 £210.00
Judgment is given on a claim for delivery of goods and no other entry in this table applies £60.00 £85.00

Hearing Fees

Claim Amount Fee
Small claims track for claims up to £300 £27
Small claims track for claims between £300.01 and £500 £59
JSmall claims track for claims between £500.01 and £1,000 £85
Small claims track for claims between £1,000.01 and £1,500 £123
Small claims track for claims between £1,500.01 and £3,000 £181
Small claims track for claims more than £3,000 £346
Fast track claims (normally for claims more than £10,000) £545
Multi-track claims (normally for claims worth more than £25,000 subject to complexity) £1,175

Enforcement Fees

Type of Enforcement Court Fee Fixed Costs
Issue a warrant of control £91 £2.25
Request for a further attempt to execute a warrant at a new address £36 £2.25
Sealing a writ of control £78 £51.75
Apply for an attachment of earnings order £131 £8.50
Apply for a charging order £131 £110
Apply for a third party debt order £131 £98.50

Hourly Charging Rates

Fee Earner Grade Hourly Rate
Solicitors and legal executives with over 8 years’ experience A £282
Solicitors and legal executives with over 4 years’ experience B £242
Other solicitors or legal executives and fee earners of equivalent experience C £196
Trainee solicitors, paralegals and other fee earners D £139

Supreme Court Costs Office provide guideline rates as to the hourly rates chargeable by different levels of fee earner by geographical location.
This firm is included in the National 2 bracket.